Author Archive | Ron Kirk

President Biden, Donald Trump, and Existential Threats to Democracy

In his January 6 speech at Valley Forge, President Biden called Donald Trump and his followers despicable and existential threats to democracy.  Accordingly, on the ground of a bad interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, states are attempting to remove Donald Trump from primary elections over the activities of January 6, 2020 in DC as insurrection, […]

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What Are Christian Theonomy, Dominion, and Christian Reconstruction? And Why Are They So Reviled?

These three terms are among the most maligned, slandered, and libeled in recent history. Google any of these terms and you will find ten-or-more-to-one blogs against the Biblical thought and historic Christian purpose these terms represent.  The really sad thing is that the antis are just as likely to be written by ostensibly Biblical Christians […]

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Just War

The current invasion of Ukraine by Russia raises questions of right and wrong. Most pundits have sided with Ukraine over Russia’s aggressive war. Some believe that Vladimir Putin has a just cause. This essay consisting of excerpts from my Nordskog Publishing title Thy Will Be Done: When All Nations Call God Blessed addresses the underlying […]

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A Biblical Strategy to Restore the Republic

On the Legitimacy of Constitutions and Legislatures, in response to a theological movement to abolish national covenants and constitutions, and the U.S. Constitution in particular God granted men the ability to covenant, to form communities upon mutual agreement, such as marriage. Legislatures, properly speaking, thus establish the rules of covenantal association, mutual understanding of Scripture. […]

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A Biblical Explanation of Current Events

While certainly legitimate street protesters are out there, the organized mainstream are rioters, bent on destruction. The evidence is overwhelming. Many are, as I was back in my own pagan days, stirred up by the agitating of the political moment after having been prepared for it by my schooling.  I liken the riotous character we […]

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Democracy vs Republicanism

When we declare for the American democracy, we have already lost. Our founders considered democracies dangerous and self-destructive. Instead as Benjamin Franklin is supposed to have answered a lady who asked after the Constitutional Convention if we had a democracy or a republic, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” It was an inspiration from […]

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Coronavirus, Repentance and the Future of Free Institutions

I pray that the coronavirus troubles the world now experiences may result in massive repentance worldwide and a great revival.  God powerfully interjects Himself in supernatural ways when things are bad among men—typically in natural disasters or great miracles. When men conduct ourselves responsibly before God, heeding His Word, He generally blesses, or Providentially resists […]

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Reviving Holy Musical Worship

Many Christians seem not entirely satisfied with the mainstream of musical church worship today. Our readers may know that this subject is dear to our hearts here at Nordskog Publishing. We are honored to publish Dino and Cheryl Kartsonakis’s Hymn Restoration—an excellent and important contribution toward guiding the future of individual and church musical worship. […]

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Columbus the Man

By Ron Kirk What was Christopher Columbus like at the “dangerous age” of thirty years? Historian and scholar Samuel Eliot Morison says thirty is dangerous “to youthful ambition, to ideals and visions; the age that makes rovers settle down, drains the fire from ardent youth, turns men into tabby-cats content to sit by the fire.” […]

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