The importance of Genesis 2:7 and 1:26-28.
How was man created? And for what purpose? (Gen. 2:7-15; 2:19-25; 1:28). Man was
created, in order to turn the whole Earth and Universe into a garden of Eden! Psalm 8:3-6.
That the whole man (soul-body-spirit) is essentially “earthy” and “earthly” — is
evidenced by the very word for “man” used in the original Hebrew (’Aadaam), meaning “from
the earth.” Genesis 2:7. On man’s losable life, cf. Genesis l:28a & 2:9g & 2:l7f & 2:17g.
And on the difference between man’s destructibility and his unannihilability, cf. Genesis 3:19k
& 3:22d.

Man was made from moist soil (cf. Genesis 2:6). This was not mire, but the finest
materials (including rare earths and other trace elements found in the human body such as
sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, lead, aluminium, manganese, and silicon etc.).
There is a Hebrew word-play here (cf. too at Genesis 2:7g). God formed man
(’Aadaam) or “the earthy one” (First Corinthians 15:45-47). And He formed him also out of
the humanly-cultivatable earthy ground (’ádaamaah). Genesis 2:7.
The “breath of life” was placed in man (as generally also in all of the animals) by the
Triune God. Genesis l;26a-c & 2:7 & 7:21-23 cf. Numbers 16:22 & 27:16 and Job 12:10 and
Ecclesiastes 3:19-20 &12:7 and Isaiah 57:16 and Zechariah 12:1 and Hebrews 12:9.
Specifically, this was done by the Holy Spirit Himself. See: Genesis l:2j,20,24 & 2:7 & 6:3
& 7:21-22 and Job 33:4-6 & 34:14-15.

Yet the soul-spirit of animals is totally different, qualitatively, to the soul-spirit of
humans. There is only one millimetre between a monkey and a mushroom — but millions of
miles between a monkey and a man.

Man became a living being or a conscious creature (cf. Genesis 2:7jk & 7:2-22), as too
the animals had become (in Genesis 1:20a & 7:21-22). Yet man is altogether a totally
different kind of creature than any animal (cf. Ecclesiastes 3:21 & First Corinthians 15:39).
Observe that man was not a non-human living being before he became a living human
person. For he was not transformed from a previously-existing animal into a human being.
Nor was a new “spiritual” principle suddenly superadded to an essentially sub-human
body and soul. Nor was an essentially divine spirit or a superhuman immortal soul added to
an essentially different and mortal human body.

The whole man (soul-body-spirit) was and is essentially human, and totally undescended
from any living sub-human ancestor. For man was created as man alias the very image of
God, when the Lord formed the spirit of man within him (Genesis l:26e cf. Zechariah 12:1)
and fashioned him directly from the dust of the ground.

Nor was man ever a lifeless doll, before God breathed into him. So at Genesis 2:7, God
shaped the dust that became Adam — precisely by inbreathing His Spirit into that dust right
from the very beginning. Like a human zygote-embryo today, human personality is
established from conception and not only later from birth.

John Calvin comments: “I do not hesitate to subscribe to the opinion of those who
explain this passage of the animal [or conscious] life of man…. I expound what they call the
vital spirit, by the word breath…. God engraved His Own image, to which immortality is
annexed…. Moses intended…the animating of the clayey figure, whereby it came to pass that
man began to live….

“The state of man was not perfected in the person of Adam…. It is a peculiar benefit
conferred by Christ, that we may be renewed to a life which is celestial. Whereas before the
fall of Adam, man’s life was only earthly.”

Rev. Professor Dr. Peter Lange (Deutsche Zeitschrift 1859 p. 31) maintains the soul was
created at the same moment with the body. He regards the formation of the body, the
origination of the soul, and the inspiration of the spiritual — as contemporaneous impulses of
one act of creation.

Rev. Professor Dr. J.H. Kurtz (Bibel und Astronomie IV:xi) says the two constituent
elements of man (body and soul-spirit), are toto caelo diverse. But they are brought together
uno momento.

Rev. Professor Dr. C.W.F. Keil (Bible Commentary on the Old Testament — I:
Pentateuch 1885 pp. 79f) says: “The formation of man from the dust and the breathing of the
breath of life [into him,] we must not understand in a mechanical sense — as if God first of all
constructed a human figure from dust; and then by breathing His breath of life into the clod of
earth which He had shaped into the form of a man, made it into a living being.
“The words are to be understood theoprepoos. By an act of divine omnipotence man
arose from the dust; and in the same moment in which the dust by virtue of creative
omnipotence shaped itself into a human form, it was pervaded by the divine breath of life and
created a living being. So that we cannot say the body was earlier than the soul…. By this, he
was formed into a personal being whose immaterial part was not merely soul, but a soul
breathed entirely by God — since spirit and soul were created together through the inspiration
of God.”

Rev. Professor Dr. G.Ch. Aalders (Genesis 1949 p. 85) says: “It is definitely not
necessary to hold that, on the basis of this passage [Genesis 2:7], man was formed out of dust
or clay into some kind of clay doll.” (Cited with approval by A.A. Hoeksema in his Created
in God’s Image 1988 p. 126).

In the original (of his De Goddelijke Openbaring in de Eerste Drie Hoofstukken van
Genesis 1932 pp. 303-305), Aalders says: “We have seen that these words [Genesis 2:7]…are
not to be regarded as if God took a certain quantity of earth and thencefrom shaped a human
body like a clay doll…. When it says that God blew the breath of life into man’s nostrils or

into his nose, we are to regard it as an anthropomorphism. It certainly does not intend to raise
the crudely-material representation of a lifeless body into which God via the nostrils
inbreathed something of His Own breath.” So, unfallen man was always Spirit-filled!
So Adam was fully and livingly God’s image. With eyes, ears, mouth, hands and feet
to subdue all the Earth and even the stars to God’s glory (Genesis 1:28 cf. Psalm 8:1-9).
Adam failed. But he repented. And in Christ, his seed shall yet subjugate the universe
to the glory of the Triune God (Hebrews 2:6-10 and First Corinthians 15:23-28)!
While Calvin discusses man’s “breath of life” in Genesis 2:7, he says it is through “the
Word of God by which that ‘breath of life’ is distinguished from the souls of brutes. For
when do the souls of other animals arise?

“God says, ‘Let the earth bring forth the living soul!’ (Genesis 1:24f). Let that which
has sprung out of the earth, be resolved into the earth! But the image of God extending in
man (Genesis 1:26f), is different.”

For the book of “Wisdom 2:23” (cf. Sirach 17:1) “called man ‘inexterminable’ —
because created in the image of God [cf. Genesis 1:26]…. I would not,” says Calvin, “urge the
authority of these writers [Wisdom and Sirach] strongly on opponents…. Still [though
apocryphal and not canonical], they ought to have some weight – at least as ancient pious
writers strongly supported….

“Let us now hear what Scripture more distinctly says!… ‘God created the great whales
and every living soul’ [Genesis 1:21]…. A living soul is repeatedly attributed to the brutes –
because they too have their own life. But they live after one way; man after another….
“Man has a living soul, by which he knows and understands; they have a living soul,
which gives their body sense and motion. Seeing then that the soul of man possesses reason,
intellect and will – qualities which are not annexed to the body – it is not wonderful that it
subsists without the body, and does not perish like the brutes?”

Beyond doubt, Calvin is here saying that the pre-human Genesis 1:21 whales etc. were
brutes that perish. Quite apart from later man’s fall into sin.

But the modern Neo-Catastrophists Whitcomb and Morris disagree. See, however,
Second Samuel 12:15-22, Psalm 49:12 and Second Peter 2:12!

Preaching on the former text, Calvin wrote the following about what David said anent
his own dead baby. “When he [David] said ‘he shall not return to me’ but ‘I must go to him’
— he was showing the hope he had of life after death. For people will not say that dumb
animals [at their death] go away to their fathers and mothers!…
“These [animals] are creatures which have only a temporal life…. We [humans] are
created in the image of God…. There is a better life for our souls…. There is another life
prepared for us. We ought to pay careful attention to it….

“God has chosen to separate us from dumb animals, by imprinting the mark of His
image in us. Let us not be like the profane, who think everything is extinguished at death!”
Not animals, continues Calvin,92 but “man – if he had not fallen – would have been
immortal…. We conclude that the elect now are such as Adam was before his sin, and that he
was created inexterminable.”

This is what “Solomon thus writes in his Ecclesiastes [3:18-21]. ‘Who knows whether
the spirit of the sons of Adam ascends; and the spirit of beasts descends downwards?’….
“The Wisdom of God explains – assuring us that the spirit of the sons of Adam ascends
upwards!” However, as far as animals are concerned: “A living dog is better than a dead
lion.” Ecclesiastes 9:4.

In Job 19:25-27, that holy man exulted: “I know my Redeemer lives, and that He shall
stand at the latter day upon the earth — and though after my skinworms destroy this body, yet
in my flesh I shall see God. My eyes shall see Him for myself!” In his sermon on this,
Calvin remarked that God “has not created me as an ox…to live here a little while.”
Remarked Calvin further: “The Lord Himself – by the very order of creation – has
demonstrated that He created all things for man.” Indeed, “the many noble faculties with
which the human mind is endowed – proclaim that something divine is engraven on it. There
are so many evidences of an immortal essence….

“Though the whole man is called ‘mortal’ [after Adam’s fall], the soul is not therefore
liable to death…. The image of God extends to everything in which the nature of man
surpasses that of all other species of animals….

“Though the primary seat of the divine image was in the mind and in the heart or in the
soul and its powers, there was no part even of the body in which some rays of glory did not
shine…. The image of God constitutes the entire excellence of human nature, as it shone in
Adam before his fall.”

Calvin added on Genesis 2:7 – “His body was taken out of the earth…. Brute
animals…arose out of the earth in a moment. But the peculiar dignity of man is show in this,
that he was gradually formed” – step by step.

The Reformer further remarked that Adam “was formed out of the dust of the ground
[Genesis 2:7]…. But God, having not only deigned to animate a vessel of clay, but [also] to
make it the habitation of an immortal spirit – Adam might well glory in the great liberality of
his Maker…. There can be no question [but] that man consists of a body and a soul –
meaning by ‘soul’ an immortal though created essence” or existence.

One aspect of man’s immortality, is “the human mind…. Something divine is engraven
on it. There are so many evidences of an immortal essence” or existence. “For such sense
as the lower animals possess, goes not beyond the body….

“Though the whole man is called ‘mortal’ [after his fall], the soul is not therefore liable
to death.” For man is “a ‘rational animal’” — and therefore unique.

“The image of God extends to everything in which the nature of man surpasses that of
all other species of animals…. There was no part even of the body in which some rays of
glory did not shine….

“When His image is placed in man, there is a kind of tacit antithesis. As it were, setting
man apart from…all the other creatures….

“The image comprehends everything which has any relation to the spiritual and eternal
life. The same thing…is declares by St. John (1:4)…in making man excel the other animals….
He was formed in the image of God, so that He may separate him from the common herd, as
possessing not ordinary animal existence but one which combines with it the light of

“The image of God constitutes the entire excellence of human nature, as it shone in
Adam before his fall…. It is now…seen in the elect, insofar as they are regenerated by the
Spirit” of God, the Holy Ghost.

“The likeness of God is to be sought for only in those marks of superiority with which
God has distinguished Adam above the other animals…. Man, therefore, was created in the
image of God [Genesis 1:27]. And in him [the image of God], the Creator was pleased to
behold — as in a mirror — His Own glory.”

All of which has at least four extremely important implications. Please allow us to
enumerate them.

First. Calvin here insists that the prefall Adam’s “immortal” though created “essence”
or existence distinguishes him from “such sense as the lower animals possess.” This implies
that those lower animals were mortal. They died or would have died (and would sometimes
have become fossilized) – even if Adam had never sinned.

Second. Unfallen man’s immortal “soul” was not “liable to death” or decease. Yet all
“irrational animals” were. For they always had been mortal, and always would be mortal.
Third. Solely the image of God in unfallen man enabled human nature to surpass “that
of all other species of animals.” Those like the modern Neo-Catastrophists who (against
Calvin) believe in prefall yet losable animal immortality, are implying that prefall animals
were somehow the image of God “Who alone has immortality” (First Timothy 6:16). This
comes perilously close to an evolutionistic erasing of the radical difference between the lower
animals on the one hand and man as the unique image of God on the other.

And fourth. Calvin’s view that “there was no part even of the body [of the unfallen
Adam] in which some rays of glory did not shine,” sets even man’s body “apart from the
crowd” of the lower animals — and even “apart from the crowd” of the inherently-bodyless
angels! For Adam’s God-imaging body exalted “him above all the other creatures.”

Now God Triune said He created man “as Our image” (Genesis 1:26f). Man is neither
an animal nor an angel.

He is a much higher creature than either. For he is a human creature; a human being;
the very image of God!

He alone is the image of God. The whole man is the whole image. For man is not just
an image-bearer — as if he would still be a man even without God’s image. No!
To the contrary, although man can get lost, he cannot lose God’s image completely.
Why not? Because man cannot completely cease to be human, alias to be the image of God.
For man is the image of God, and the image of God is man.

The whole of mankind (Adam and Eve and all of their descendants) is the image of the
Triune God (Genesis 1:26-28 and Acts 17:26 and Romans 5:l2f). Indeed, only when the last
man has lived at the end of history — shall God’s image eschatologically have been fully
unfolded in the life of all mankind (Bavinck). Revelation 14:13 & 20:13 & 22:3-5 cf. too
Genesis 1:26g with Genesis 2:3g.

God’s “image” and “man” are congruent or equal to one another in every respect. So,
when man becomes depraved, the image of God alias man becomes depraved. And when
man becomes restored through Christ the Second Adam, the image of God becomes restored
(Ephesians 4:24 & Colossians 3:10 and First Corinthians 15:22-28 & 15:45-47).
When God Triune created man as His Own triune image (Genesis 1:26), He first made
one original man with a triuni-chot-omous or trinifoldly-interlocking soul and body and spirit
(Genesis 2:7 and First Thessalonians 5:23). And, indeed, also as His Own trinifold image —
especially as regards righteousness and holiness and truthfulness (Ephesians 4:24) etc.
The plural verb “make” and the singular verb “said” in Genesis 1:26, clearly express the
triune action of the Father and the Son and the Spirit within the united Godhead. For man
was made as God-Triune’s Own image (Genesis l:26d-g), created as a unique and a brand-new
being (Genesis 1:27) — and formed or moulded from the dust of the arable ground (Genesis

Man or God’s image is — just like God — even triunely unique. For we are thrice told
of his creation (Genesis l:26fg,27). And we are also told that God made him and created him
and formed him (cf. Genesis l:26d).

So too — not trichotomously (or in three different parts) but indeed triuni-chot-omously
(or trinifoldly) — the whole individual man is also God’s image in his soul-body-spirit alias his
total humanity. Genesis 2:7g and First Thessalonians 5:23.
This blessing of Adam’s life was losable. Man could be destroyed, but as God’s image
he could never be annihilated (Matthew 10:28). Man initially had the blessing of blissful life.
Cf. Genesis 1:27-28 & 2:7-9f. But he could also lose it. Genesis 2:9g,l7g & 3:19.

It was, however, transformable also into unlosable life. Genesis 2:7,9 cf. 3:15,22 and
Second Timothy 1:10. Such was God’s Edenic Covenant with the man Adam, as the federal
head of the entire human race. Hosea 6:7 and Romans 5:l2f.

Only by keeping the Moral Law alias the Ten Commandments, would man ever be able
(and is he even now to some extent still able) to subdue the world at all. Exodus 20:1-17 cf.
21:1 to 23:12 and Leviticus 26:3-12 and Deuteronomy 19:1 to 28:13.

Note that man’s rule or dominion over the tri-universe, though now much weakened by
the fall, still continues even after the fall! Genesis 9:2-7 and Leviticus 26:9 and Psalm 8 and
James 3:9. But this dominion should be exercised only to the glory of God. Isaiah 43:7 and
First Corinthians 10:31. See our 1974 Origin and Destiny of Man, and our 1976 M.A.
dissertation The Central Significance of Culture — both Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
Co., Philadelphia.

In Genesis 1:26, man is to rule over the fish and whatsoever passes through the paths of
the sea! See: Psalm 8:6-8. This includes farming the ocean beds, also from submarines.
Rule over the sky, and even over the sun and the moon and the stars! Psalm 8:3-6.
This includes exploiting solar energy and building spaceships etc.

Rule over domestic animals, and also over all wild beasts! Cf. Genesis l:28g & 4:20 &
9:1-2 & 13:2-5 & 24:35. This includes cattle-ranching, and hunting.

Rule over the Earth, and over the Earth’s soil and its gold and all of its other resources!
Cf. Genesis 2:5,11,15; Exodus 30:34; Matthew 2:11; Revelation 18:12-13. This includes
agriculture and mining.

As the 1560 Geneva Bible put it (commenting on Genesis 1:12): “God made all His
creatures to serve to His glory, and to the profit of man. But for sin, they were accursed. Yet
to the elect, by Christ they are restored — and serve to their wealth!”

Man was to exercise dominion not just over crawling reptiles such as snakes (cf. Genesis
3:lf) and crocodiles (Job 4l:lf). He was also to rule over and lovingly exploit all other
creeping creatures, such as silkworms (useful in the manufacture of clothing) and earthworms
(useful as fishbait) etc.

God created man as a new, special kind of creature (cf. Genesis l:21d). He neither
evolved, nor created himself (Psalm 100:3).

God’s blessing is covenantal in structure. Cf. Genesis 1:la,lc,22h,24a,26b,26g and
Leviticus 26:9 and Hosea 6:7. For this blessing is a condescending yet sovereign covenantal
promise to give the benefit of human life and also the ability to reproduce human life.
Similarly, His curse is a promise to administer the judgment of death to the (vegetable
and animal and human) creatures concerned. Genesis 1:11,22 cf. 6:18-22 & 9:13-16 and Job
5:23 and Isaiah 54:10 and Jeremiah 33:20-25 and Hosea 2:18 & 6:7.

But God’s covenantal blessing confers life — and the ability to propagate life. Cf.
Genesis l:22h & 1:28.

This blessing of life was losable. Man could be destroyed, but as God’s image he could
never be annihilated (Matthew 10:28). Man initially had the blessing of blissful life. Cf.
Genesis 1:27-28 & 2:7-9f. But he could also lose it. Genesis 2:9g,l7g & 3:19.
Conditionally, God’s covenant promised everlasting life as the reward for man’s
obedience. But it also threatened everlasting death as the punishment for man’s disobedience
to God’s comprehensive Moral Law or the Ten Commandments. Genesis l:26h,28b-g &
2:5,9,15,17,19,24 & 3:19,22 and Romans 2:14-15 & 5:l2f & 13:8-10.

For note how Genesis 1:28 implies the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Commandments! Cf.
Exodus 20:8-15. See too Genesis 1:29-30 (6th Commandment) & 2:1-3 (4th and 8th
Commandments) & 2:15 (4th, 6th, and 8th Commandments ); & 2:17 (all Ten
Commandments); & 2:19-20 (9th Commandment); & 2:23-25 (5th, 7th, and 9th
Commandments); & 3:6 (8th and 10th Commandments).

God said or spoke His Word to man, thus swearing an oath and fellowshipping and
covenanting with him. Hosea 6:7 cf. Genesis l:la, 26b. The Second Person of the Trinity or
the Word of God was always the only Mediator between the Triune God and His image man
(First Timothy 2:5) — from the outset of man’s existence before the fall (Genesis l:26-28a).
That Word or Son of God would not have become man, if man had not fallen into sin
(First Timothy 1:15). But that Word would still have been the only Mediator, even if sin had
never taken place (John 1:1-5 & 1:9-10).

For God spoke His Word to Adam and said the substance of the Decalogue (Isaiah
42:1,4,6 and John 14:6) — viz. when “God said” (Genesis l:28b cf. l:26h) and spoke to Adam
(cf. Genesis 2:16e-17g). The “said” Commandments are the “Ten Words” of the covenant.
Cf. Hosea 6:7-10 cf. Leviticus 26:3,9 and Deuteronomy 4:2 & 5:1-21 & 6:1-10 & 8:3 &
9:10,15 & 10:1-5.

They are summarized in this Great Commission of Genesis 1:28’s Cultural Mandate
(“Be fruitful…and rule over…the Earth!”). Just as they were later still, in the Decalogue
(Exodus 20:1-17) — and also in Christ’s Missionary Mandate (Matthew 28:19 cf. 22:36-40).
Genesis 1:28 is the audibly-spoken special revelation of God to man (cf. Genesis 2:16-
17 & 3:9-19). It is foundational for a correct understanding of all subsequent revelation.
Genesis 9:1-7; Psalm 8; First Corinthians 15:24-28 &15:45-47.58 and Hebrews 2:5-9 & 4:9-
11; Revelation 14:13 & 21:24-26 & 22:1-5,14. It is fully in harmony with God’s general
revelation in nature, to which it points. Genesis l:26g & 2:8-9 & 3:18h (q.v!).
Genesis 1:28, the first Word of God to man ever recorded in Scripture, is rightly
described even by the sometimes questionable New Scofield Reference Bible. For Scofield
appropriately called it: “the divine magna charta for all true scientific and material progress.”

Grammatically, the mood is imperative. As one would expect in a compulsory and
fundamental Great Commission designed to endure and to be enforced and obeyed even after
sin throughout man’s history right down to the very end of the world. First Corinthians

As such, Genesis 1:28 is inextricably connected to Matthew 28:19. In that latter text,
Christ enjoins that all the nations of mankind are to be taught “to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded.”

For it was the same Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity and the Word of God, Who
commanded the Great Commission of Genesis 1:28 to Adam. And to the whole human race
(cf. Genesis l:la,3ab,26a-c).

Indeed, it was He Himself Who then promised man life as the reward for obedience; and
threatened death as the punishment for disobedience to the covenant. Genesis 2:9,17. Hence:
go ye therefore into all the world — and subdue the Earth!

Be fruitful in every way in the service of the Lord! Be fruitful in ruling over and
subduing the whole Earth and the whole sea and the whole sky and all their contents! Cf.
Genesis 1:26 & Ecclesiastes 3:9-11.

The individual Adam could never have done all of this all alone, not even with the help
of Eve (Genesis 1:27). They both needed a humanity to help them to do this (Genesis 5:1-4).
Hence the further command: “multiply!” Genesis l:28d.

Multiply or reproduce. Within marriage alone, Genesis l:27r & 2:18-24 & Exodus
20:14. Cf. too Genesis1:22h.

Man and wife were and are to raise their children in God’s Covenant (Genesis 1:28 cf.
Isaiah 59:21 & Matthew 28:19 & Acts 2:38-39) and to educate them for their lifelong task of
subduing the whole world to the glory of God down through the centuries. Isaiah 43:7 &
45:18 & 51:4 & 59:21 and Ephesians 6:1-4 cf. First Corinthians 7:14 & 10:31.

Fill or replenish, means spread out into all the world! Genesis 1:28 & 2:24 & 4:12 &
9:1,7,19 & 10:32 & 11:4,8,9 and Deuteronomy 32:8 and Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15 and
Acts l7:26f.

Subjugate the world and all its contents — by bringing everything under the control of
man as the image of God! Cf. Numbers 13:30 & 32:22,29; Joshua 18:1; First Chronicles
22:18; Micah 7:19; and Zechariah 9:15.

Calvin comments: “He appointed man…lord of the world…. Man had already been
created with this condition, that he should subject the Earth to himself.”
This means we are to work to the glory of God, and to enjoy that work. Cf. Genesis
2:15c & Ecclesiastes 2:l5c & 2:24 & 3:13,22 & 5:18-19 and also First Corinthians 10:31.

For that is why man was formed or moulded. Job 33:4-6; Isaiah 64:8; Jeremiah 18:2-6;
Romans 9:20-23. Note it was the Holy Spirit Who shaped both the earth — and man himself
as the king of the earth. Genesis l:lg,lj,2k,26abc & 2:7j; Job 26:13 & 33:4-6; Zechariah 12:1.
God shaped man (’Aadaam). It is not stated that (only) man’s body is soil, as if his soul
were a spark of divine non-soil!

Rather is it stated that the whole man (comprised of unannihilable soul and
unannihilable body and unannihilable spirit), is soil (Genesis 3:19,23 & Psalm 103:14). For
man is not monochotomous (or a one-part being) nor dichotomous (or a two-part being) nor
trichotomous (or a three-part being), but triuni-chotomous (or a trinifold being). Genesis
l:26a-f and First Thessalonians 5:23.

Also God-Triune Himself is a Trinifold Being — God, Whose image man is. Genesis
l:la,2j,3b & l:26c-g. God and His image man are not mon-istic nor dual-istic nor tri-istic, but
triune or trinitarian.

This rejects both Romanism’s superadded anthropology, as well as Dispensationalism’s
disharmonious trichotomy. It also rejects Adventist quasi-creationism, which wrongly
teaches man was and is annihilable.

So cheer up, my friend! Believe in the Second Adam Jesus Christ! Live for ever;
follow the Saviour; and help conquer the Universe for Him!

– Rev. Professor-Emeritus Dr. Francis Nigel Lee

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