Stopping Freedom of Choice Act (F.O.C.A.) and Outlining our Real Opportunity for Victory

By Randall A. Terry
Founder, Operation Rescue

With the new President and Congress upon us, the clearest political emergency for the pro-life movement is defeating the Freedom of Choice Act (F.O.C.A.). If the bill – in its current form – becomes law, it could cost millions more innocent babies their lives.

We all know President Obama has pledged to sign F.O.C.A.; our job is to defeat the bill in one or both Houses of Congress so that it never reaches President Obama’s desk. The tactical question is: How do we stop this juggernaut of death?

We can be encouraged by some of the first outcries against the “Kill Bill.” Blogs, internet sites, articles, T.V. and radio shows are beginning to sound the alarm against this atrocity.

But we can be equally cautious – even troubled – by many of the first solutions put forth by certain pro-life groups. So, with malice toward none, but with a duty to God and His children, grant me a moment to explain to you how some of these false solutions could actually help F.O.C.A. pass, and what we must do if we are to prevail.

Fighting F.O.C.A. for Babies lives – DO NOT SEND MONEY or Waste time with Petitions, or other “Political Placebos”

Many groups are urging you to sign a petition, or to gather names for them on a petition, and then send them the petition so that they can give this petition to the powerful, and fight F.O.C.A. for you. Don’t do it. Let me tell your why.

Simply put: the letters you are getting (or will soon get) with a “poll” or a “survey” that a pro-life group promises to deliver to President Obama or Congress are meaningless.

Do you really think that Obama, or any of his staff, care about those “polls” and “surveys” concerning F.O.C.A., much less see and read them?! They don’t, my friend. Do you really think President Obama’s Chief of Staff puts an “Open Letter” from pro-lifers on Mr. Obama’s desk in the morning for him to read? It does not happen.

Petitions are Political Placebos designed to get you to send money.

So why do they send out these petitions, or collect names on line? It is primarily a way for groups to build up their mailing list, so that they can send you fundraising letters. (I have been a leader in this movement for 25 years, raised a lot of money, and have often been around professional fundraisers. I know their tricks and gimmicks.)

I am not trying to be uncharitable, but I will not hold my tongue while babies’ lives are at stake: the vast majority of 3 x 5 cards or polls or petitions ministries send you to sign – and then tell you to send it back to them with your check – are not going into the hands of Obama or any congressman. They end up in the garbage.

Likewise, internet “petitions” against F.O.C.A. are another gimmick and political placebo. It is a way for someone to get your name; then they can send you fundraising letters, or sell your name to others to use for fundraising.

These internet “petitions” and “polls” mean nothing in the real political world. Politicians spend big money on polling; they already know what most voters think about issues.

One other point to ponder: If the 501(c)3 ministries and churches that promote these petitions did not have the courage to fight Obama by name when he could have been defeated, why should we trust them in battle now? If they held their tongue in the election crisis, why should we believe their voice now?

If you want to stop F.O.C.A, there is one thing politicians fear; early retirement.

Threaten Your Congressmen’s Jobs – Period.

Remember 1994’s elections? It was the end of President Clinton’s second year; the Republicans won a majority in the House of Representatives.

Why? One of the biggest single issues was 2nd Amendment rights. Before the ’94 election, many Congressmen voted for the Clinton “gun ban;” 2nd Amendment advocates threatened those Congressmen with their jobs, and then made good on the threat.

The battle over F.O.C.A. is one battle where your Representative and Senators will actually listen to you, not a hired mouthpiece. They must come to believe that this will be an “electric fence” for them; if they touch it – it might fry their career.

Call 202-224-3121, then Write, and then Visit them in person.

So – what do you do? Call your Congressmen (1 Representative, 2 Senators) regularly! Do it yourself. Their number is: 202-224-3121. If you do not know who your Senators or Representative are, the Operator can tell you.

Call both your Senators and your U.S. House Member, and ask to speak to the Legislative Director. Tell them clearly that you will not forgive (politically) a vote for F.O.C.A.; tell them if the Senator or Representative votes for F.O.C.A., you will do everything in your power to defeat him (or her) in the next election.

Next, write him or her WITH YOUR OWN HAND. Make it short, make it shrill. Keep it to one page or less (then it will get read), or make it HANDWRITTEN post card. Talk about your daughter or granddaughter, or the lives of the babies, and then boldly state that you will work to finish their career if they vote for F.O.C.A.

Finally, ask the receptionists or the schedulers of all 3 Congressmen when they will be in your area next. (You do not have to travel to D.C. to see them.) Any public meeting in your area will do. Then show up, and demand to know whether he will vote for F.O.C.A. or not. Make your question direct, and tense if need be. You could also go to their “field office” in your area, and tell the staff your demands on F.O.C.A.

Friend, this is Hardball Politics: No-One Can do it for you

I believe one key reason that America is dying is because many big Ministries have created the illusion that if we just send them our money, they will fix the problems. Well, they haven’t, because they can’t; and we are in worse condition than ever as a nation.

Worse yet; these fundraising tactics have steadily deluded millions of devout Catholics and Evangelicals into thinking that they did not have to get their hands dirty; they could give $25 to a group for some issue, and that “champion” (which was often just a great copy-writer of letters, polls and gimmicks) would be victorious. It is a horrible delusion now demanding a heavy toll.

The day a group tells you they can stop FOCA if you sign a card and send it to them so they can give it to your congressmen, is the day you should stop listening to them. They have lost their way, and are using a life and death battle to raise money and get names.

Study these “petitions” yourself. One of the key “on-line petitions” against F.O.C.A. does not even give out the phone number for Congress!!! They do not teach people how to lobby; they are just collecting names. This is abhorrent in the light of the lives that are at stake. We need a revival of good old fashion grassroots lobbying.

We Can Defeat F.O.C.A – if we Fight with Courage and Clarity

Samuel Adams said: “It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set fires in people’s minds.” F.O.C.A. can be stopped, but it will be an ugly battle – one in which you must do the fighting. Only if we marshal the defiant, revolutionary spirit of Samuel Adams, will we prevail in our struggle against F.O.C.A. 

Fight with all your heart for the lives of the innocent, and cast aside any illusion that professionals, petitions, and political placebos can win the battle against F.O.C.A. Start calling, writing, and visiting your Senators and Representatives – and make them dread the very thought of voting for this devilish legislation.

[To read more of Mr. Terry’s writings, including his new book, A Humble Plea, go to And yes – you can give your email address so that from time to time you can get real marching orders for the battles that lie ahead – and occasional obnoxious fund raising letters J.]

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